Monday, February 2, 2015


I have come to the realization that I am just no good at playing  the game of life.
I cant read the onslaughts and bullying on social media and not  feel pain for those attacked.
I don't meet famous and influential people that I would bow down to or fold up for. 
I just can't seem to use people to climb because their not made to walk on rather to walk with. I can't seem to look out the window when I'm in town driving and see a homeless person without my Heart going out to them or watch a child get neglected and ignored without speaking up for them and many times overstepping my own bounds. I can't see a dog tied to a short chain and used as a income without anger rising up in me at those who can be so cruel. I have yet to watch a kid cry from the pain of rejection or loss or loneliness and not wanted to cry with them. I can't seem to be the proverbial "yes" man to further my career or use those that are with me on this journey in such a way that I manipulate their trust in a manner that will only benefit me then walk away with my back to them like a piece of discarded trash. I don't know why I can't ride by old folks home without  my eyes swelling with tears from the thoughts of the many lives that are left there to just fade away by those they dedicated their lives to raising. I just don't have it in me to Give someone my word only to go back on it or shake a hand with a deal and then act like it was never done. It's pretty obvious now that I literally suck at this game the world deems as life and if I continue to have my way, I guess I always will  !


  1. I am there with you man. It is hard to look at the world today but you don't want to look away because you want to lend a hand whenever you can. The saying is you cant save the world but I believe if your spreading God's message then that saying is wrong because with God all things are possible. Thanks for writing this and I will be see what comes next from you from now on. Thanks and God Bless.

  2. Heartfelt words, we should all try to walk a mile in another mans shoes, then maybe we would learn to help a little bit more and critize a little less

  3. Thank you for being you. All we can do is take it one person at a time. If we help just one person a day, then for that moment, at least they know someone cared. God Bless.

  4. I'm raising money for Dylan's expenses. Click to Donate: #gofundme

  5. I'm raising money for Dylan's expenses. Click to Donate: #gofundme

  6. I can see you resting i feel your breath. Show me the way

  7. Could not have said it better myself Ronnie....God Bless and do not stop being the man you are now....

  8. I am a big fan of you and your family me and my husband have been married for a year now and we are watching you guys right now so take care

  9. My married name is Tammy Lynn farino now I am also the biggest fan of you and your family and you and Amy have adorable kids
